05/ 2004       Ph.D., Molecular and Cellular Biology (Cardiovascular) State University of New York

05/ 1997       M.D. Medical Degree, State University of New York  

05/ 1994       M.S. Chemistry, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York

05/ 1991       B.S. Biochemistry  State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York


08/2007-07/2008    Brigham and Women’s Hospital   Thoracic Surgery Fellowship

Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

07/2004-07/2007      University of Texas, Southwestern    Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency

Medical Center, Dallas, TX

07/2003-06/2004        SUNY Downstate Medical Center     Chief Resident in General Surgery

07/1998-06/2003        SUNY Downstate Medical Center       Resident in General Surgery

07/1997-06/1998        SUNY Downstate Medical Center         Internship in General Surgery

Additional Training

09/2012-08/2013        University of Texas Medical Branch    Physician Leadership Academy

and University of Houston,    Inaugural Program  School of Business, Clear Lake TX     Certificate of completion


2018                      Hugh J. Carroll Award for Excellence in Teaching SUNY DMC

2018                      New York Super Doctors list for 2018 (New York Times)

2017                      Caribbean American Healthcare Awards Honoree 2017

2017                      Top Doctors in Brooklyn 2017

2017                      Castle Connolly Top Doctors, New York Metro Area and Brooklyn 2017

2017                      New York Super Doctors list for 2017 (New York Times)

2016                      Castle Connolly Top Doctors 2016

2016                      Nominated to New York Super Doctors 2016 list (New York Times)

2015                     Elected into the New York Surgical Society (NYSS), NYC

2015                      Nominated as a Reviewer for SUNY/Research Foundation Networks of Excellence. May 1st 2015

2015                      SUNY Downstate School of Graduate Studies Annual Research Day Judge for poster session. April 1st 2015

2014                      UTMB, General Surgery Residents Teaching Award 2014-2015

2014                      Included in “Guide to America’s Top Surgeons” by Consumers’ Research Council of America, Washington D.C -2014 Edition

2014                      “Top Doctor” peer reviewed Houstonia Magazine September 2014

2014                      “Houston’s Top Doctors” in H-Texas Magazine Spring 2014

2013                      Included in “Guide to America’s Top Surgeons” by Consumers’ Research Council of America, Washington D.C -2013 Edition

2013                      “Top Doctor” peer reviewed Houstonia Magazine September 2013

2013                      Included in Texas Monthly Super Doctors “Rising Stars” July 2013 (Top 2.5% Texas physicians).

2012                      Included in “Guide to America’s Top Surgeons” by Consumers’ Research Council of America, Washington D.C -2012 Edition

2011                      Elected Judge- Singleton Surgical Society Resident/Fellow Research 58th (Fifty-Eighth) Annual Scientific Program/Competition. University of Texas,

Galveston, June, 2011

2011                      Included in “Guide to America’s Top Surgeons” by Consumers’ Research Council of America, Washington D.C -2011 Edition

2010                      Included in “Guide to America’s Top Surgeons” by Consumers’ Research Council of America, Washington D.C -2010 Edition

2009                      Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Center of Excellence in Youth Education and New York City Department of Education Recognition Award

2007                      Included in “Guide to America’s Top Surgeons” by Consumers’ Research Council of America, Washington D.C -2007 Edition

2007                      US Patent 7,235,588: “Method for reducing hypertension and heart failure”

President and Alumni Award for Outstanding Graduate Medical Education “Best Surgical Resident Award”, SUNY Downstate, New York

2004                      Golden Apple Teaching Award, SUNY Downstate, School of   Medicine, N.Y

2003                      American College of Surgeons, Trauma Paper Competition (Region II, Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, N.Y

2003                      Elected Alpha Omega Alpha (AWA), National Medical Honor Society

2003                      Recognition Award for Innovation, Creation and Discovery. The Research Foundation of the State University of New York, Albany, New York

2002                      “Method for reducing cardiac hypertrophy and ischemia” US Patent 6,433,018

2001                      Young Investigators Award, 18th Annual Eastern Hypertension Society Awards, New York

2001                      Research Day Award, School of Graduate Studies, SUNY Downstate, New York

1991                      Excellence Award, Outstanding Undergraduate Achievement, SUNY Stony Brook, New York



Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center/ Center for Cardiovascular and Metabolic

Diseases (NYCCMD)

Title: Molecular Analysis of Cardio-metabolic Diseases

PI: Dr. Daniel L. Beckles, MD, PhD  Co-PI: Dr. Eduardo Mascareno, PhD

Funding: Herman and Olive Pascarella Professor in Cardiothoracic Surgery Research $1M


Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Title: Molecular Analysis of Cardio-metabolic Diseases

PI: Dr. Daniel L. Beckles, MD, PhD Co-PI: Dr. Eduardo Mascareno, PhD

Funding: SUNY DMC $50,000 initial start-up funds 02/2015 to present

 Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Title: Role of F11 receptor (F11R) in neointimal hyperplasia

PI: Dr. Moro Salifu, MD, Co-PI: Dr. Daniel L. Beckles, MD, PhD

Funding: submitted for NIH funding

Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Title: Mechanisms of Myocardial Dysfunction in Aortic Valve Disease

PI: Dr. Jeffrey Borer, MD  Co-PI:  Dr. Daniel L. Beckles, MD, PhD

Funding: Division of Cardiology funds

Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Title: Impact of Psychosocial Variables, Adherence and Ethnicity Outcomes after Cardiac Surgery in an Inner-City Predominantly Black Population: A Pilot Study

PI: Dr. Phyllis Supino  Co-PI:  Dr. Daniel L. Beckles, MD, PhD

Funding: American Cardiovascular Research Foundation


Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Title: Molecular pathways in cardiac hypertrophy

PI: Dr. M.A.Q. Siddiqui, PhD Role: Graduate Student: Dr. Daniel L. Beckles, MD

Funding: NIH grant HL53573 HL073399/ (1999 to 2004)


Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Titles: Role of Dehydroascorbic acid in ischemia reperfusion injury/ Molecular pathways in cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury

PI: Dr. D.W. Golde, PhD (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Ctr., NY)

Co-PI: Dr. M.A.Q. Siddiqui, PhD

Role: Graduate Students: Dr. Daniel L. Beckles, MD/Victor H. Guaiquil

Funding: NIH grant CA30388 (2000 to 2004) NIH grant HL073399 (1999 to 2004)

MONI Genomics Enterprise Inc.:

Opened as a privately held biomedical company dedicated to research and development of drugs for gene-related therapy.  The research operations at MONI is an extension of projects done at SUNY Downstate Medical Center and Center for Cardiovascular and Muscle Research, focused on translational research and pre-clinical trial development of recently awarded patents. President and Scientific Founder: Dr M.A.Q. Siddiqui, PhD.

Vice President: Dr. Daniel L. Beckles, MD, PhD (2001-2004)


Institution: SUNY Downstate Medical Center

Title: Physiological effects of Aortic Cross-clamping in a Porcine Hemorrhagic shock model

PI: Dr. Dr. Michael E. Zenilman, MD  Co-PI: Dr. Robert Schulze, MD

Research Surgery Resident: Dr. Daniel L. Beckles, MD

Funding: Department of Surgery Funds

 1996-1997       SUNY Downstate Medical Center in the laboratory of Dr. Dale Distant, M.D.  Department of Transplant Surgery (4th year medical school research). The response of radical scavengers on renal ischemia and reperfusion injury in a rat survival model were evaluated. Xenotransplantation was also performed in cardiac hCD59+porcine/baboon transgenic model.

 1992-1993       Moltech Corporation, Stony Brook, NY in the laboratory of Dr. Leonid Boguslavsky, PhD (Masters of Science thesis, chapter 2). Biosensors division: Design of polymeric biosensors for glucose detection and complexation of organic heterocycles to heavy metals in aqueous media as analyzed by fluorescence.

1990-1994       SUNY Stony Brook, in the laboratory of Professor Thomas W. Bell, Department of Chemistry (Masters of Science thesis, chapter 1).  3-D designs, macro modeling and organic synthesis of macro cyclic artificial receptors containing chromophores and flurophores.  These artificial receptors were developed with complementary hydrogen bonding properties to facilitate an asymmetrical host molecule and characterized using infra red, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopy.  I developed the first published artificial molecular receptor to bind creatinine and exhibit a change in absorbance and fluroscence. 


  2. Mascareno E, L. Salciccioli, K. Shreedara, D.L. Beckles. The role of Hexim1 during pressure overload hypertrophy and cardiomyopathy (In preparation).
  3. Mascareno E, L. M. Choudhary, I Simmonds, L. Salciccioli, D.L. Beckles. Characterization of Hexim1 as a contributing factor in the development of Obesity induced Hypertension (In preparation).
  4. Mascareno E, Geraghty P, DL Beckles. Hexim1 inhibits the pro-inflammatory response during the development of cigarette smoke-induced emphysema in mice (In preparation).
  5. Mascareno E, D.L. Beckles, Mascareno-Dhar M. Jak2-Hexim1 signaling axis regulates prostate cancer growth (In preparation).
  6. Mascareno, E., Gupta, R., Martello, L.A., Salciccioli, L., Beckles, D.L., Walsh, M.G., Machado, F.S., Tanowitz, H.B., Haseeb, M.A. Exacerbated Chagas disease in mice heterozygous for hexamethylene bis—acetamide inducible–‐1 protein (Hexim-1). Microbes and Infection 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.micinf.2017.09.001
  7. Dhar-Mascareno, M., Rozenberg, I., Iqbal, J., Hussain, M.M., Beckles, D.L., Mascareno, E. Hexim1 heterozygosity triggers remodeling of atherosclerotic plaque and steatosis in ApoE null mice fed an atherogenic diet. Int J Biochem Cell Bio 21;83:56-64, 2016
  8. Nichols, J.E., Niles, J., Riddle, M., Vargas, G., Schilagard, T., Ma, L., Edward, K., La Francesca, S., Sakamoto, J., Vega, S., Ogedegbe, M., Mlcak, R., Deyo, D., McQuitty, C., Lick, S., Beckles, D., Melo, E., Cortiella, J. Production and assessment of decellularized pig and human lung scaffolds. Tissue Eng Part A19(17-18):2045-62, 2013.
  9. Lick, S.D. and Beckles, D.L. Surgical technique: partial transplant cardiectomy mitral exposure. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 145(5):1413-4, 2013
  10. Shah, S.K., Parto, P., Lombard, G.A., James, M.A., Beckles, D.L., Lick, S., Valentine, V.G. Probable Phaeoacremonium parasiticum as a cause of cavitary native lung nodules after single lung transplantation. Transpl Infect Dis 15(1):E9-13, 2013.
  11. Lick, S.D. and Beckles, D.L. A pulmonary artery “chimney” relieves RVAD anxiety. Ann Thorac Surg 94(5):1784, 2012
  12. Lick, S.D. and Beckles, D.L. A simple technique to preserve the LSVC during reoperative orthotopic heart transplant. J Cardiac Surg 27(6):767-8, 2012.
  13. Takahashi, M., Beckles, D.L., Fischer, G.W., Reddy, R.C. Epicardial sonography as a useful adjunct to repair of coronary artery dissection. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 27(2):323-325, 2012.
  14. Reddy, R.C., Takahashi, M., Beckles, D.L, Farzan, F. Anomalous right coronary artery from the left sinus – a minimally invasive approach. European J Cardiothorac Surg 41(2):287-90; 2012.
  15. Lick, S.D., Beckles, D., Piovesanna, G., Vaidya, S., Indrikovs, A., Barbagelata, A., Valentine, V. Transplantation of high-PRA LVAD patients without crossmatch using on-bypass pheresis and alemtuzumab. Ann Thorac Surg 92(4):1428-34, 2011.
  16. Mascareno, E, Beckles, D.L., Dhar-Mascareno, M., Siddiqui, M.A.Q. Enhanced hypertrophy in ob/ob mice due to an impairment in expression of atrial natriuretic peptide. Vascul Pharmacol 51(2-3):198-204, 2009.
  17. Wait, M.A, Beckles, D.L., Paul, M., Hotze, M., DiMaio, M.J. Thoracoscopic management of empyema thoracis. J Minimal Access Surg 3(4):141-148, 2007.
  18. Beckles,D.L., Mascareno, E., Siddiqui, M.A.Q. Inhibition of Jak2 Phosphorylation attenuates pressure overload cardiac hypertrophy. Vascul Pharmacol 45(6):350-357, 2006.
  19. Mascareno, E., Beckles, D.L., Siddiqui, M.A.Q. Janus Kinase-2 Signaling mediates Apoptosis in Rat Cardiomyocytes. Vascul Pharmacol 43(5):327-335, 2005.
  20. Blattman, S.; Deitch, J.; Beckles, D.; Gwertzman, G.; D’Ayala, M.; McGagh, D.; Zenilmann, M.E. Infected iliac artery pseudoaneurysm after angioplasty and stenting. Surgical Rounds Nov. 532-537, 2004.
  21. Guaiquil, V.H., Golde, D.W., Beckles. D.L., Mascareno, E., Siddiqui, M.A.Q. Vitamin C inhibits hypoxia-induced damage and apoptotic signaling pathways in cardiomyocytes and ischemic hearts. Free Radical Biol Med 1;37(9):1419-29, 2004.
  22. Bell, T.W.; Beckles, D.L.; Debetta, M.; Glover, B.R.; Hou, Z.; Hung, K-Y; Khasanov, A.B. An improved preparation of 4-aminopyrimidine-5-carboxaldehyde. Organic Preparations and Procedures International 34(3):32, 2002.
  23. Beckles, D.L., Maioriello, J., Santora, V.J., Bell, T.W. Complexation of creatinine by synthetic receptors. Tetrahedron 51(2): 363-376, 1995.
  24. Boguslavsky, L., Kalash, H., Xu, Z., Beckles, D., Geng, L., Skotheim, T., Laurinavicius, V., Lee, H.S. Thin-film bienzyme amperometric biosensors based on polymeric redox mediators with electrostatic bipolar protecting layer. Analytica Chimica Acta, 311(1): 15-21, 1995

BOOK Chapters

  1. Siddiqui, M.A.Q., Wagner, M., Espinoza-Derout, J., Huang, F., Beckles, D., Mascareno, E. CLP-1-Mediated Transcriptional Control of Hypertrophic Gene Programs Underlying Cardiac Hypertrophy (chapter 19). In: Genes and Cardiovascular Function, Osterdal, B., Nagao, M. and Dhalla, N., (editors) Springer: New York, New York. 2011.
  2. Beckles, D.L. and Wait, M.A. The Cardiovascular System (chapter 15). In: The Physiologic Basis of Surgery:  Patrick O’Leary (editor), Pub. Williams & Wilkins 4th Ed., 2007.
  3. Bell, T.W., Beckles, D.L., Maioriello, J., Santora, V.J., Cragg, P.J., Liu, J., Papoulis, A.T. Intrinsic Chromophores and Fluorophores in Synthetic Molecular Receptors (chapter 7). In: Fluorescent Chemosensors of Ion and Molecule Recognition. Czarnik, A.W. (editor). American Chem Society Symposium Series 538 (review): pp 85-103, 1993.
  5. The role of Hexim1 in Chagas Disease associated cardiomyopathy, accepted for an e-Poster presentation in the Scientific Forum program at the American College of Surgeons.  Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, October 21-25, 2018.
  6. Saving the Split: The benefits of VATS Thymectomy, accepted for presentation in the ScientificForum program at the American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress, October 21-25, 2018 in Boston, MA.
  7. Supino, P.G., Hai, O.Y., Avadhani, S., Nizam, R., Beckles, D., Borer, J.S. Low Adherence to Discharge Medications Predicts Risk of Cardiac Events Midterm after Cardiac Surgery: A Pilot Study among Predominantly Black Inner-City Patients. 67th Annual Scientific Session and Expo, American College of Cardiology Florida March 2018 (Accepted)
  8. Choudhary, M., Tesfaye, , Mascerano, E., Beckles, D. Characterization of Hexim1 as a contributing factor in the development of hypertension. Poster Abstract at The Brooklyn & Long Island Chapter of the American College of Surgeons, Annual Clinic Day Joint meeting with The Nassau Surgical Society, NY. Dec 6th 2017 -1st Place winner
  9. Beckles, D.L., Bhat, A., Braverman, A.S., Gendy, A., Neculiseanu, E. Bacterial Pericarditis in a Young Sickle Cell Patient-a Rare Case Report.  Poster Presentation at the SCDAA 45th Annual Convention October 25-28, 2017  Atlanta
  10. Golam, SM., Mascareno, E., Beckles, DL. Characterizing the role of Hexim1

during the progression of heart failure. Research Day Awards Presentation , SUNY DMC April  2017

  1. Supino, P., Hai, O., Avadhani, S., Nizam, R., Tang, K., Beckles, D.L., Borer, Low Adherence to Discharge Medications Predicts Risk of Cardiac Events Midterm after Cardiac Surgery: A Pilot Study among Predominantly Black Inner-City Patients. American College of Cardiology, March 2017
  2. Salameh H, Khan R, Gou E, Beckles DL, Parupudi S.  Intractable Nausea and Vomiting and Weight Loss in a Young Adult: A Rare Diagnosis to Consider. American College of Gastroenterology; Oct 22, 2014. Abstracts P672
  3. Patel S, Terasaki J, Shah S, Lombard G, James M, Beckles D, Lick S, Valentine V. Geriatric Lung Transplantation. 144(4):1016A, 2013
  4. Shah SK, Patel SD, Lombard GA, James MA, Beckles DL, Lick S, Valentine VG. Refractory and Progressive Neutrophilia after Lung Transplantation. UTMB Annual Internal Medicine Quality and Research Forum 2013.
  5. Terasaki JM, Shah SK, Lombard GA, James MA, Beckles DL, Lick S, Valentine VG. Airway Complication Contributing to Disseminated Fusariosis after Lung Transplantation UTMB Annual Internal Medicine Quality and Research Forum 2013
  6. Patel SD, Shah SK, Lombard GA, James MA, Beckles DL, Lick S, Valentine VG. Geriatric Lung Transplantation: UTMB Annual Internal Medicine Quality and Research Forum 2013
  7. Terasaki JM, Shah SK, Lombard GA, James MA, Beckles DL, Lick S, Valentine VG. Airway Complication Contributing to Disseminated Fusariosis after Lung Transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant 32(4S):S267, 2013. (International Society for Heart and Lung Transplant 33nd Annual Meeting, April 2013, Montreal CA)
  8. Nishi, S.P.; Shah, S.K.; Lombard, G.A.; James, M.A.; Beckles, D.L.; Lick, S.D.; Valentine, V.G. Phaeoacremonium parasiticum as a Cause of Cavitary Native

Lung Nodules after Single Lung Tranplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant 31(4S):S285, 2012. (International Society for Heart and Lung Transplant 32nd Annual Meeting, April 2012, Prague CZ)

  1. Kandil, E., Zhang. H., Beckles, D., Lin, Y., Callender, G., Muller, C., Ocasio, V., Zenilman, M. Decreased Reg I Expression Underlies Age-Related Impairment of Glucose Tolerance. J Surg Res. 114(2):292, 2003.
  2. Mascareno, E, Beckles, D.L., Siddiqui, M.A.Q. “Jak/STAT Signaling Mediates Myocardial Dysfunction during Hypertrophy, Ischemia and Apoptosis”, J Mol Cell Cardiol 33(6):A10, 2003.
  3. Mascareno, E, Beckles, D.L., Siddiqui, M.A.Q.” Distinct components of the Jak/STAT Signaling Pathway dictate transcription adaptation during myocardial hypertrophy and ischemia” Journal of Coronary Artery Disease 4(1): 2. 2003.
  4. Beckles, D.L., Mascareno, E., Siddiqui, M.A.Q. Attenuation of cardiac hypertrophy in vivo by interference of the Jak/Stat pathway.  American Journal of Hypertension, 15(4): 166A, 2002.
  5. Mascareno, E., Beckles, D.L., Das, D.K., Siddiqui, M.A.Q. Jak/Stat signaling mediates myocardial dysfunction during hypertrophy and ischemia. 67thCold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, The Cardiovascular System. New York, USA. June, 2002.
  6. Beckles, D.L., Chorost, M.I., Webb, H., McElhinney, J., Edelsberg, C., Ghosh, B. Male breast cancer in a VA population; Abstracts of the Association of VA Surgeons, 26th Annual Scientific Symposium. Texas, USA. April, 2002.
  7. Mascareno, E., Beckles, D.L., Das, D.K., Siddiqui, M.A.Q. Jak/Stat signaling mediates myocardial dysfunction during hypertrophy and ischemia. Keystone Symposia, Jak and STATs: Activation and Biologic Impact. Colorado, USA.  Jan., 2002.
  8. Mascareno, E, Beckles, D.L., Siddiqui, M.A.Q. Leptin: a novel regulator of pressure-overload hypertrophy. Circulation 106(19): 1541, 2002.
  9. Beckles, D.L.; Mascareno, E.; Siddiqui, M.A.Q. Inhibition of the Jak/STAT pathway with a specific Jak2 inhibitor (AG490) attenuates hypertrophy in an in vivo murine model.  J Mol Cell Cardiol 33(6):A10, Jun., 2001.
  10. Mascareno, E., Beckles, D.L., Das, D.K., Siddiqui, M.A.Q. Activation of Jak/STAT signaling mediates myocardial dysfunction during pressure overload hypertrophy and ischemia/ reperfusion. Journal of Coronary Artery Disease 4(1): 2, 2001.
  11. Boguslavsky, L., Kalash, H., Xu, Z., Beckles, D.L., Geng, L., Skotheim, T., Laurinavicius, V., Lee, H.S. Thin-film Bienzyme Amperometric Biosensors Based on Polymeric Redox Mediators.  Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 11(1/2): xvii, 1996.
  12. Beckles, D.L., Maioriello, J., Santora, V.J., Bell, T.W., Chapoteau, E., Czeck, B.P., Kumar, A.,Response of intrinsic chromophores and fluorophores to complexation of creatinine; American Chemical Society 206: 256- ORGN, Pt 2 Aug 22, 1993.
  13. Lee, H.S., Lan, H.L., Beckles, D.L., Boguslavsky, L., Gene, L., Okamoto, Y., Skotheim, T.A. Amperometric hydrogen-peroxide sensors based on quinone-containing polymers; American Chemical Society 205: 33-IEC, pt 1 Mar 28, 1993


  1. Annual Research Day, School of Graduate Studies, “The role of Hexim1 in Chagas Disease associated cardiomyopathy’ State University of New York, Downstate Med. Ctr., N.Y., 2018
  2. Annual Research Day, School of Graduate Studies, “Left Ventricular Assist Devices – Past, Present, and Future” State University of New York, Downstate Med. Ctr., N.Y., 2018
  3. Bacterial Pericarditis in a Young Sickle Cell Patient-a Rare Case Report Poster Presentationat the SCDAA 45th Annual Convention October 25-28, 2017  Atlanta
  4. Thirty-seventh (37th) Annual Meeting, Association for Academic Surgery. “Down-regulated Reg I Expression Underlies Age-Related Impairment of Glucose Tolerance”. Sacramento, California. Nov., 2003.
  5. Committee on Trauma, American College of Surgeons, Div II “Emergent Thoracic Aorta Cross-clamping Offers No Additional Benefits Over Fluid Resuscitation in a Hemorrhagic Porcine Model”. Weill Cornell Medical Center, NY, 2003 (Moderators: Dr. Palmer Q. Bessey and Dr. Gregory J. Jurkovich).
  6. Eighteenth (18th) Annual Eastern Hypertension Society, “Attenuation of Cardiac Hypertrophy in vivo by Interference of the Jak/Stat Pathway”. New York, NY, 2002 (Moderator: Dr. Lawrence R. Krakoff, Mt Sinai Medical Ctr. NY).
  7. Sixty-seventh (67th) Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, The Cardiovascular System. “Jak/Stat signaling mediates myocardial dysfunction during hypertrophy and ischemia” New York, June, 2002
  8. Keystone Symposia, Section: Jak and STATs: Activation and Biologic Impact. “Jak/Stat signaling mediates Myocardial dysfunction during hypertrophy and ischemia” Colorado, USA. Jan., 2002.
  9. Eighty-eighth Indian Science Congress, Section of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology. “The Role of Jak/STAT Signaling Pathway in Myocardial Hypertrophy and Ischemia”. New Delhi, India Jan., 2001
  10. Fifth Annual Research Day, School of Graduate Studies, “The Jak/Stat Pathway in Cardiac Hypertrophy”, State University of New York, Downstate Med. Ctr., N.Y., 2001
  11. XVII World Congress of the International Society for Heart Research, “Inhibition of the Jak/STAT pathway with a specific Jak2 inhibitor (AG490) attenuates hypertrophy in an in vivo murine model” Winnipeg, Canada, Jun., 2001.
  12. Eightieth (80th) Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society, “Response of intrinsic chromophores and fluorophores to complexation of creatinine”, Chicago, Aug., 1993
  13. Third (3rd) Annual Undergraduate Research Educational and Creative Activities (URECA) symposium; “Complexation of Creatinine by an Artificial Receptor”, State University of New York, Stony Brook, N.Y., 1991.


  1. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Dissertation by Beckles, D.L.; State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center. Title: The Role of Jak2 Kinase Signaling in the Induction of Cardiac Hypertrophy and Apoptosis, 2004.
  2. Master of Science(M.Sc.) Thesis by Beckles, D.L. State University of New York at Stony Brook. Title:  Design and Synthesis of Artificial Receptors containing Chromophores and Flurophores, 88 leaves, 1994.

Intellectual Property and Patents

2002                “Method for reducing cardiac hypertrophy and ischemia” US Patent 6,433,018

2007                “Method for reducing hypertension and heart failure” US Patent 7,235,588



Department of Surgery, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery:

2/2015 to present: Bedside teaching of medical students, residents and fellows; lectures to medical students, PA students, nurses and surgical residents; supervision of general surgery residents in performing surgical procedures, perioperative and postoperative care of cardiac and thoracic surgery.

School of Medicine:

2016 to present:    MS1          Anatomy-Embryology: Cardiovascular and Respiratory UNIT5 lecturer

MS3 and MS4  General Surgery Clerkship Lecture Series- Cardiothoracic Surgery

School of Allied Health Professionals:

2016 to present:    Physician Assistant student lecture cardiothoracic Surgery

Department of Medicine, Division of pulmonary and critical care medicine:

2016 to present:  Pulmonary fellow conference

Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology:

2015 to present:    Teaching weekly cardiac cath conferences (Heart Team)

Teaching weekly Journal Club

TEACHING RESPONSIBILITIES AT University of Texas Medical Branch:

Department of Surgery, Division if Cardiothoracic Surgery:

06/2010-01/2015: Bedside teaching of medical students, residents and fellows; lectures to medical students, nurses and surgical residents; supervision of general surgery residents in performing surgical procedures, perioperative and postoperative care of cardiac and thoracic surgery.

UTMB (SOM) Gastrointestinal/Nutritional Facilitator 2011-2012

Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Clinical Conference:

06/2010-01/2015: Annual Fellow Conference: Surgical management of chest diseases

Division of Hematology Oncology:

06/2010-01/2015:       Annual Fellow Conference: Surgical Treatment of Thoracic Malignancies